We all enjoy catching fish at our favorite river or lake but it's even more fun showing them off to the world. If you have a fishing picture you are proud of, send us a copy and we'll add it to our photo gallery. E-mail us your pictures to fishing@lureslunkersandlies.com or mail them to: Lures,Lunkers&Lies P.O. Box 1234 Otis Orchards, WA 99027. Pictures that are mailed will not be returned without a SASE. Thanks and happy fishin'.

CeCe and AJ catching Perch & Bluegill at Hauser Lake, Idaho
Pete caught this 6.1lb Largmouth with a 6" Black Salemander in Washington
Blaine lifts this beautiful 44", 21.5lbPike he landed in Swan Lake, Idaho
Kellie is holding a nice 5 lb Pike she caught in the fall at Lake Chatcolet, Idaho

Baylen proudly shows off one of many Pike he caught at Lake Chatcolet, Idaho
Jay & Lynette catching some nice Salmon in Western Washington
Doug holds one of many Salmon he landed near Helena, Montana
Kelly caught some nice Walleye night fishing in Montana

Bob with a 10-lb Northern Pike caught in Fresno Resevoir
Bob & Jim have a nice stringer of Walleye from Holter Lake, Montana
Terry landed a huge 92-lb Paddle Fish on the Missouri River in Montana
Bear proudly shows his Northern Pike while ice fishing in Montana

Randy with a very nice Northern Pike caught at Fort Peck, Montana
GB & Colton hauled in some beautiful Channel Cat on the Missouri River
Jim showing a nice 22" Walleye caught in Alberta, Canada
Doug landing a 20" Walleye at Lake Francis, Montana

Rod & Doug land some nice Channel
Cats in Western Montana
Blaine landed a beautiful 9.4 lb Largmouth
night fishing in Eastern Washington
Pete caught a nice 6.4 lb Largemouth
night fishing in Washington

Baylen proudly shows his 2.5 lb Largmouth Bass caught night fishing
Jay holds a nice 7.2 lb Largmouth
caught in Eastern Washington